Biology student WSSU
Lab and Field
Bacillus rods (Sauerkraut)
Cocci Bacteria
Gel Electrophoresis
Hypothesis: the vector pF251 will produce all necessary components to produce a functional protein.
- Protein is utilized for PCR
-To see RNA a northern blot is performed
This research was conducted in BIO3555. This research tool many weeks of detailed steps of isolation, purification, and analysis is performed focalized on DNA Polymerase of Thermus Aquaticus. Expressing much difficulty, the part that complicated me the most was being very careful when using the Nylon to ensure accurate results.
Biochemical reaction test
Field Samples: Soil collected in surrounding areas of WB Atkins at Winston Salem State University
Ap-1: Cocci Bacilli
Ap-2A: long rods
Ap-2B: Bacillus rods
Ap-3: Coccus with rods in the background
Ap-4: Is discarded due to fungi and mold
Ap-5: Rods
Ap-6: coccus bacillus
Enumeration of Soil Microorganisms:
The enumeration of soil microorganism involves carrying out a series of calculations that dilute the source into single formations.
After enumeration of the soil microorganisms is complete, each plate is examined for growth. Depending upon the colonies created, single colonies, using a loop and aseptic technique, is smeared on to nutrient agar.
The colonies chosen are:
Ap-1: smooth, golden, dark
Ap-2: burnt orange, smooth
Ap-3: bright yellow smooth
Ap-4: light brown, rough, a little tan
Ap-5: golden orange, smooth
Ap-6: crème, smooth, beneath the surface
After the process of claiming the colonies, the plates are streaked for singles every Monday. Each plate is examined and one colony is streaked within the plates. This begins the process of isolating a single organism.